Letter of Appreciation

See the letter of appreciation from the District Principal, Siwal Si’wes Indigenous Education, SD75

Our COVID-19 Response

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At inception, the Steps Together Foundation’s primary purpose was to advance education by providing scholarships, bursaries, awards, and other forms of financial assistance to students in need.

However, with the onset of Covid-19, we wanted to help the community in other ways. So we moved our student-focused programs online and began our food donation program which is supported by the Government of Canada’s Emergency Food Program. Our Mission was expanded to include food security, technology, health and wellness and school supplies to BIPOC community in BC.

Along with our sister organization Youth Leadership Society of BC, we have received several grants to support our Mission. We are much thankful for that support.

Our Mission

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Promoting education and self-learning among youth

Steps Together Foundation’s initiatives provide equal opportunities to youth from all backgrounds and is committed to help them pursue their dreams.